.....Take A Hike!

One of my favorite places to go to in my hometown of Boone is Ledges State Park. The Ledges is filled with many different trails that is perfect not only for exercise, but to calm your mind.
When it comes to working out it is so important to find something that makes you feel happy. In the summer, I try to be outside as much as I can! Exercising outside is so easy because it requires no equipment! Just you and the outdoors. 
{Here are my three tips when it comes to exercising outside!}
Tip #1: Look for something that motivates you to workout.
Working out always sounds great in everybody's head, but I know some days it just is not a top priority. The one thing that always motivates me to exercise is putting together a cute workout outfit! Other things that help me workout is having a fun water bottle, or even working out with a friend! 

Tip #2: Find what exercise makes you happy.

When I am exercising outside, I always choose to hike at the ledges. If you don't have any hiking paths near you, try walking, running, or even biking around a local park! Exercise releases the body's natural happy endorphins, so go outside and be happy! ;-)

Tip #3: Drink lots of water.

Drinking water is very important, especially when working out in the heat of the summer. Water is the best fuel to boost your immune system, provide positive energy for your body, and helps with weight loss! This summer, I have been trying to drink a gallon of water a day. I always like to make it fun and dress up my water with lemons, limes, or even strawberries!

Whether its walking with a friend, going to yoga, or hiking at the Ledges it's time to find your happy! ;-)

With love,

b.e. good

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