4 Favorite Rhubarb Recipes

A few weeks ago, I asked my Instagram/Facebook followers to send me some of their favorite Rhubarb Recipes! I have been picking rhubarb from my yard since I was probably 10! I'll post a throwback picture below. ;-) Even though I have been picking rhubarb for 10 + years, I have only ever made rhubarb pie (at my grandpa's request, ha!) Read below some of the recipes I received! I'm excited to try all of them this Summer! What is your favorite rhubarb recipe, I would love to know! 

1. Rhubarb Crunch from my Great Aunt Jeanine

Rhubarb Crunch RecipeRhubarb Crunch Recipe

2. Rhubarb Coffee Cake

 Rhubarb Coffee Cake

3. Rhubarb Cobbler

Rhubarb Cobbler Recipe

4. Strawberry Rhubarb Bars

Strawberry Rhubarb Bars

I can't wait to dive into the kitchen and start making one of these delicious recipes!

Stay tuned for a Pretend Cooking Show soon!! 

With Love,



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